Saturday, 6 May 2017

How to set up a green screen for better videos

Wondering how others produce so many professional videos with nice built-in backgrounds? Simple, they use a green screen behind them. It allows them to change the background in whichever way they like.

Here's the 3 essential parts of having a good green screen:

  1. A good green cloth / screen
  2. A plain background
  3. Good lights
First, the green screen itself. Buy one on eBay or another reliable online store. Prices range from $5 to a few hundred dollars for professionals. You can also buy kits so you can hang the screen easily. If you're short on cash, you can also just use green paper.
Second, make sure you hang the screen on a plain background. If the background is one half black, one half white, it will show on your video. You can either hang the screen on a wall, or use a board to hang it on.

Third: good lighting. There are many lights on the market. Some are professional - check eBay again. You can also use the lights you already have at home to make your own set-up. However, natural sunlight is a very source of light. Professionals try not to use it - sunlight is unpredictable. 

The most important part of lighting is to try yourself. Some persons' faces react differently on the type of setup, so experiment as much as possible.

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